Author's note:
Now, for many of you out there who may have a gender superiority-complex, from either gender, may be pissed at me for saying what you'll end up reading from this post. But, it just needs to be said. This post is not at all meant to offend anyone's personal views about anything, and if you feel offended in any way by that which you will read, I sincerely apologize in advance.
For educational purposes, I will be fair enough to explore both the historical dynamics of both Misogyny & Feminism, to give those who read this a better understanding of why I take the general position of hating both equally. I plan to start off with the linguistic definitions of both concepts, as well as how these two concepts have ruined the general nature of how men & women are supposed to exist with one another in harmony.
Now, let's start with defining both concepts:
Hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women.
The doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
(Both definitions are courtesy of
Now, I know some of you will be saying to yourselves, "Okay, this Nigga done lost it!!!". Obviously, on the surface, it doesn't seem like they are at all the same. But, as we go along, you'll see how they are exactly the same in practicality. To be fair, it's not at all surprising that a concept like feminism has sprung up, in an attempt to globally combat Misogyny-After all, Misogyny is in and of itself a very objectifying & oppressive concept. But, as we have seen in our recent history, the natural harmony between men & women have not at all improved; if anything, they've gotten worse, and both men & women have become even more at odds with one another.
Allah says in the Qur'an, "Men and women are guardians of one another." (Chpt.9, V.71 ). This indicates clearly that both men & women have a Divine obligation, from Allah, their Creator, to provide respect, honor, trust, love, appreciation, comfort, companionship, protection, advice, care to one another, not to oppress one another. It's a blatant sign, that men & women exists to cohabitate in harmony, as opposed to being opposition to one another.
Unfortunately, as a direct result of oppressive social-constructs, laid down by those ruling over others, without proper guidance from Allah, there has been a perpetual disease, that we know of as Misogyny, that has spread like wild-fire, and has compelled women to seek out justice for themselves in any way that they can. But, unfortunately Feminism is not the solution to Misogyny; we'll get to the reason why after we go a little deeper into he history of both Misogyny & Feminism.
The History of Misogyny:
The History of Misogyny as we know it to be can easily be traced back to several civilizations, namely: ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Greek and Roman civilizations. In ancient ancient Egypt, women were excluded from the scribe & priest classes-Women were not deemed worthy of being religious authorities, and were not trusted enough to be official record-keepers; in ancient Greece, it was understood, as a societal precedent, that women were generally viewed as lesser forms of men, according to several philosophers, writers, poets, etc., they were also denied to participate in the Olympian games as players, or even as spectators, and they were denied the right participate in the democratic-process of electing representatives of the governments of Greece's many city-states; in ancient Rome, women were just as degraded, and treated just as less than men, as they were in ancient Greece, not really that much difference. In ancient China, much like ancient Greece & Rome, very similar misogynistic elements were visible there. In all of these three respective societies & civilizations, the general treatment of women was unfair, biased, and were bent upon keeping women subjugated socially, economically, politically, and even sexually. For example, in Greece, depictions of men in art were always favored above women, because the male anatomy was viewed as more desirable than the female anatomy. And, in China, Rome & Greece, women were exclusively excluded from the realms of political influence, with the rare exceptions of women from the noble classes, as well as politically astute and powerful families-Even in Egypt, there was a female Pharaoh, by the name of Hatsheput, whom her successors tried in every way to historically erase her from existence, because the ancient Egyptians didn't want people to know that a female had ruled Egypt all on her own; it's even possible/probable that she was assassinated, just to get her out of the way. Although I only chose to highlight four of but many civilizations, Misogyny has been a major aspect of many various societies & civilizations throughout history.
The History of Feminism:
Feminism, as we know it, emerged from the Suffrage-Movement. The Suffrage-Movement was the first official movement to directly attack the misogynistic elements of their environment. However, their were in and of itself many elements of the Suffrage-Movement had very racist elements; it's truly ironic that the founders of the Suffrage-Movement wanted rights for all white women, but not rights for all people. I'll definitely explain. After Slavery ended, with the passing, of the 13th Amendment (contrary to popular belief, the Emancipation Proclamation did not end Slavery in the U.S.), the issue of givig African-American men the right to vote became an issue of discussion. This is when the evil of the prelude of Feminism lifted its head out of the sand. The Suffrage-Movement had an official split concerning this issue. There were those, like Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who displayed blatant racist opposition against supporting African-American men to acquire the right to vote, also, they were only concern with grant White women to be granted the right to vote, not even all women-They were so bent upon gaining their own individual rights, that they were willing to deny someone else of theirs. Those on the opposite side of the fence, like Lucy Stone & Julia Ward Howe, who knew that this racist approach was fundamentally wrong, and it would be impossible to get the right to vote for women, without granting the right to vote to Black men first. Thus, the official split between members of the Suffrage-Movement via off-shoot organizations, had begun, because of racial discrimination.
Now, back to the present:
So, in knowing the history of both Misogyny & Feminism, we can now look, through a clearer lens, how they both feed off of one another. One of the perfect examples of how Misogyny & Feminism feed off of one another is the Pornography industry (and just so you know, most porn stars are women, by the way). Every aspect of the Pornography industry is exclusively geared towards the dehumanization, subjugation, of women; yet, you have Feminists, like Wendy McElroy, who mentions in her book, "XXX: A Woman's Right To Pornography", that, "Pornography benefits women, both personally and politically." Now, what the hell is this that she's talkin'?!!! How in the hell is pornography of any benefit to any woman?!!! Please, someone answer this one for me!!! And, these types of positions are a direct result of the whole notion that a woman is equal to a man. My question is this, if a woman wants to be viewed as an equal counterpart with a man, why in the hell would they co-sign the complete & blatant cultural/societal dishonor of women?!!! Many Feminists would so argue that a woman has a right to express herself as she wills. But, then when they are disrespected by men, as a result of how they express themselves, now they wanna bitch & complain about "Human-Rights"/"Women's-Rights". You can't have it both ways, you either want to be respected or not!!!
Firstly, the issue of how equality is interpreted from a Feminist perspective is completely ass-backwards. Many Feminists simply view equality as being able to do anything that a man can do, which is in and of itself is very relative, or that a woman is the same as a man. Well, men & women are men & women for a reason: because we are in fact different; we're not the same & we're not supposed to be the same. Men have qualities & abilities that women will never have, and women have qualities & abilities that men will never have-This is just a reality!!! Men & women don't have to be the same in order to be equal. Now, still, the concept of equality is unrealistic, because both men & women exists to complement one another, not to conflict one another. But, this is the direct result of when you have a society that is bent upon establishing man-made laws to govern themselves, as opposed to establishing Divine laws, that represent true justice & equality for all, regardless of ethnicity, gender, social-status, etc.
The reality of how Feminism & Misogyny function:
Corruption in society, as a result of not placing the laws of Allah as the standards to live one's life is like a trigger-finger; the ruling classes of society are like a gun; Misogyny is like a bullet; the bullet wound would be the results of Misogyny's destructive effects on society; and Feminism is like a band-aid over the bullet wound. Feminism is not solving the problem of the destruction of Misogyny at all in our society, it's just like placing a band-aid over the bullet wound, without even removing the bullet from the wound. If anything, Feminism, the band-aid, has made the wound worse, because the bullet has not been removed from the wound, which has prevented the wound from healing, and that's exactly what Feminism has been like for our society.
Feminism has in fact contributed to the further degradation of women, by supporting women to exploit themselves, as opposed to men exploiting them, which many Feminists find more liberating. And, this explains why Feminism is in fact evil, because it gives the impressions that a woman can exploit herself all she wants, as long as men don't exploit her-The example of how many Feminists view pornography as liberating for women has already proven my point many times over. You may be wondering still what my general point is, by even bringing this issue up. The point is that neither men nor women have the right to deny one another their rights over one another as Human beings. What ends up happening is that both Misogyny & Feminism breeds hatred between the genders, spreading & encouraging this outrageous superiority-complex.
The great fallacy of Feminism, being a counter-concept & greater alternative to combat Misogyny, actually, makes Feminism exactly the same as Misogyny; the only difference is that Misogyny is used by men to oppress women & Feminism is used to oppress men. There's even a Feminist, by the name of Christine Hoff Sommers, who has authored the book, "The War Against Boys", who gives great detail into how Feminism has had negative results relating to male youth, in our societies. In her work, she has shown how falsified stats were used to push the Feminists agenda, to consolidate further gender superiority of women over men. This is smoking gun evidence, just from the work of Sommers alone that Feminism is just as destructive to our societies as Misogyny is.
Now, back to Misogyny:
To all of my men out there, just stop mistreating the women!!! The whole reason that Feminism has even been allowed to exist and fester in our societies is because the men don't give the women their due rights, according to the commandments of Allah, which in turn, compels women to seek out their rights, and because they're so desperate to be treated fairly, they begin to over step bounds that Allah has set forth, and begin to have unwarranted bias towards men generally, which lead to the pathology of women thinking that they are better than men, just because they're women, just like with Misogyny, which leads men to develop the pathology that they are better than women, just because they are men.
And, this pathology comes directly from the Devil, when Allah says, in the Qur'an, how He commanded the Angels, along with himself, to prostrate to Adam (Peace be upon him) in the Paradise, yet, the Devil refused & stated that he was better than Adam, but he didn't have any proof that he was better than Adam (Chpt.7 V.11-13). Likewise, regarding Misogyny & Feminism, these two concepts encourage men to believe that they're better than women, without any justified reason & women believing that they are better than men, without any justified reason. In all reality, what makes a man better than a woman, and what makes a woman better than a man?!!!
The answer is very simple: No man nor woman can honestly say that they're any better than any other member of the opposite gender, because Allah, the Lord of the Universe never said that men are better than women, and He never said that women are better than men. The real underlining issue is that people both men & women gravitate towards either Misogyny or Feminism as an excuse to fill some type of confidence or self-esteem void, at the expense of lowering someone else. Whenever people don't have positive self-esteem, they often use things to make themselves feel better, at the expense of hurting others, and that's exactly what Misogyny & Feminism are used for.
#I'm just sayin'!!!
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