Oct. 20th, 2011, the world-wide announcement of the death of the Dictator of Libya, Muammar al-Gaddafi was made. He had been on the run, in his own country, for the past few months, fighting a no-win civil-war with U.S./U.N.-supported rebel forces, made up of his own fellow countrymen. The reason why I'm bringing this up is because there's a very definitive pattern of the United States hunting down and/or killing, or assisting in hunting down and/or killing world leaders, from other countries; also, there's a definitive pattern of the United States supporting the deposition of regimes & governments, that do not go along with the presumed game-plan of the United States, so that the U.S. can further spread its geo-political/financial influence and benefit from whatever natural resources that they can get their hands on.
For educational purposes, I'll take the liberty of mentioning both leaders & nations who were subjugated to the dominance of the U.S., whenever they felt the need to remove certain leaders and/or regimes from power-This is gonna be an historically chronological list by the way:
1. Hawaii-
Leader (Kingdom/Republic): Queen Lili'uokalani (Kingdom of Hawaii)
Date of deposition: 1893
Historical backdrop of deposition:
This is very simple: The U.S. at this time was fresh off of the conquest of the rest of what is now the continental U.S., via the Indian-Wars. Plus, the U.S. began annexing territories of the Spanish Crown, during the Spanish-American War hand-over-fist. So, since the U.S. had already taken the Philippines from the Spanish, and added them to the arsenal of U.S. colonies in, both Latin America & the Pacific, I guess they decided that it was okay to punk the relatively peaceful island kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands. So, this is basically how it went: a lot of U.S. citizens & Europeans were property owners and landowners in the Hawaiian Islands, with strong political & financial ties to both American & European elite political & financial machines; and, of course, like anywhere & everywhere that they went, the Europeans Americans got mad greedy & wanted to control every damn thing. By the way, this upheaval was directly co-signed & approved by the U.S., in addition to aiding these U.S. rebels in Hawaii by sending U.S. Marines, which led to militarily occupy this country unjustly, until it was made the 50th state of the United States, in 1960.
2. Iran-
Leader/Government (Kingdom/Republic): Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh (Republic of Iran)
Date of deposition:1953
Historical backdrop of deposition:
Operation Ajax was the CIA code-name for this coup d'etat, which forcefully removed the legitimately elected Prime Minister of Iran. What was the reason for this one, you may ask?!!!! O...I...L.....Oil, plain & simple. The Iranian Parliament, had just recently in 1951, approved a law which would nationalize Petroleum in Iran, therefore preventing special investment/interests groups, representing powerful foreign countries & financial conglomerates from exploiting this resource. And, of course this ticked off not only the U.S., but the boys from the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. So, what do they do? The oh so classic divide-and-conquer political chess-move, which, unfortunately, works every single time that it's played. The CIA, along with British Intelligence incited rioting throughout Iran, by using Iranian nationals who were on the CIA & British intelligence payrolls, to act as communists, and staged attacks against high-ranked Shi'ite religious clerics, which obviously did not go well with the rest of the Shi'ite-dominated populace. This resulted in what the U.S. & U.K. had planned, the toppling of the government, and replacing it with Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlev, a well-known go-along-to-get-along puppet/running-dog of the CIA.
3. The Congo-
Leader/Government (Kingdom/Republic): Patrice Lumumba/Democratic Republic of the Congo
Date of deposition: 1961
Historical backdrop of deposition:
The then President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, the hero of World War II, affectionately referred to as "Ike", basically said what President Barack Obama had said about Anwar Al-Awlaki some 50 years before, "I want him dead!!!". Lumumba had just very recently helped his country receive independence from their mother colonizer, Belgium. But, what Lumumba didn't realize is that independence can't be granted, it has to be taken. So, just because your country is free on paper, doesn't mean that you truly have freedom. And like, Mossadegh from Iran, Lumumba wanted to truly materialize freedom for his countrymen, which was a tremendous threat to both the geo-political/financial interests of not only Beligium, but also the U.S. This resulted in the infamous "Congo Crisis", in which future Congo leader Joseph Mobutu, was used to help topple Lumumba & his government, in exchange for the gift of Dictator of the Congo ever since. And, he, unlike Lumumba was more than comfortable with staying in his place. Lumumba was captured & executed by CIA operatives.
4. Nicaragua-
Leader/Government (Kingdom/Republic): The Sandinista Government (Republic of Nicaragua)
Date of deposition: 1990
Historical backdrop of deposition:
The Sandinista government was legitimately elected into power by the people of Nicaragua. But, this interfered with the interests of the U.S., because they wanted to control the political destiny of Latin America, staying true to the precepts of the Monroe Doctrine. So, what the U.S. does is support a rag-tag gang of drug-dealing gangsters, murderers, extortionists, and terrorists, known as the Contras, to eliminate the legitimate power held by the Sandinistas. The Contras agree to oust the Sandinistas, in exchange for allowance to smuggle drugs indiscriminately into the U.S. for profit, which increased the distribution of Cocaine & escalated the intensity of the drug-trade in the U.S. The conflict of the Contras vs. the Sandinistas had occurred for a whole decade, before the eventual deposition of the Sandinistas, at the behest of the U.S., with some high-ranked military officials, namely Oliver North, along with the CIA, doing the dirty work-This was a major incident that made the Iran-Contra what it was.
5. The Philippines-
Leader/Government (Kingdom/Republic): Ferdinand Marcos (Republic of the Philippines)
Date of Deposition: 1986
Historical backdrop of deposition:
Initially, Ferdinand Marcos was strongly supported by the United States, despite the fact that the Marcos regime was guilty of many Human-Rights violations, as well as squandering billions of its nation's domestic capital. Still, the U.S. supported the Philippines, mainly because of the military significant position of the Philippines in the Pacific. Basically, the Philippines served and still serves as on of many U.S. Naval satellite nations, that are used to monitor the Pacific Ocean. As political unrest in the Philippines, as a result of governmental corruption & mismanagement of monies in the country, the U.S. used its geo-political influence & military might to remove Marcos from power.
Much like the rest of these other leaders & regimes, Gaddafi & his regime were once completely supported by the U.S. But, as soon as he decided that he wanted to run his own country the way that he wanted to, as opposed to the way that the U.S. wanted him to run his country, then he became one of the many "Disposable-Rulers". These are individuals whom were either initially supported by the U.S., or were complete self-sufficient nations to begin with, and when they were deemed a threat to the interests of the U.S., they were quickly ousted from power. This is a timeless stratagem, to keep leaders & nations under the thumbs of the elite puppet-masters/king-makers.
There have been very few leaders & countries whom have told the U.S. to kick rocks; but, they've either been sanctioned into extreme poverty by the rest of the international-community, at the behest of the U.S., ousted by direct U.S. military force and/or various intelligence agencies that are the international hired goons of America (like the CIA for example), or intense geo-political deception, which would cause the people of these respective countries to turn on their own leaders & thus make the process of invasion/conquest a hell of a lot easier for the U.S. Thus is the true history of U.S. international relations: instead of being the bully-of-the-block, America has been the bully-of-the -planet for a very long time.
From the Indian-Wars to the invasion of Iraq, the U.S. has always betrayed and slit the throats of those whom they once made as leaders, and replaced them with puppets. The U.S. has a very well-known habit of removing persons from power who either second-guess, or just rebuke the whims of America & replace them with those whom they are confident will be more submissive & obedient to them-When it comes to power from the perspective of the U.S. particularly, you're either a team-player (i.e. someone who only plays by their rules), or you're not gonna play at all.
#I'm just sayin'!!!
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